Monday, October 22, 2012

Post Football Season

Hunter and Blake finished their regular football season this weekend.  Blake's 49ers ended with an exciting win in the last 20 seconds of the game.  Blake got to make the first touchdown of the game.  Hunter's team ended in an odd sort of forfeit by the coach.  We all walked away scratching our heads.  It appears he was not aware the game was almost out of time.  Ooops.  No matter how the season ended they had a great time playing and really enjoyed their teams.

It is now time for Select Football season.  They are both playing on tournament teams for their future High School - Valley.  They will have a tournament this weekend.  It appears Hunter will be playing his normal positions of fullback and middle line backer and Blake will be trying a new position as wide receiver.  Should be interesting to watch.  Above they are shown in their new uniforms.

A little sidenote:  Hunter has decided to try basketball this year.  He starts on Tues.  He has gotten a lot taller this year so he is suddenly getting invitations to play basketball.


Anonymous said...

Great photo! SO HANDSOME! --Kim

Anonymous said...

Yep, what a great pair of brothers!

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