Sunday, May 1, 2016

Toward a Silver Cord

By the end of May, Hunter will complete enough hours of community service
 to qualify for the Silver Cord Award. Today he asked me to shop for the fabrics needed to make a tied blanket that will serve up warmth and comfort in a children's cancer ward.

He selected a fleece printed with the Monopoly game (he plans a career in finance) and a pastel blue for the fleece backing. Per instructions written for Pre-approved Silver Cord Activities, we proceeded through the simple process of cutting away selvages and slicing 1-inch-wide strips around the four sides of the soon-to-be tied blanket.
Tomorrow he'll bring it to the blanket mistress in the school office
and mark down two more hours of service. (We spent more time than that on the project but that's the credit allowed for this project.)
A few fun hours with my gorgeous, gentlemanly grandson,


Steve Rolfsrud said...

Fantastic! Uncle Steve

Stan said...

Very cool!
Uncle Stan

Thanksgiving Guests At Our Table