Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Now we are the Story

Dave ventured outside to shovel the 3 foot drifts of snow from the driveway. I went to help. Then up walked Channel 5 News asking if they could interview us. I suddenly had a case of "no way" and went inside. Really --- my 5 minutes of fame on camera shoveling snow in construction boots and a stocking hat? I will save it for a better occasion.

Below you see Dave being asked about how much fun he was having. Next they moved to the kids that are just behind the camera guy in a very large snow fort. No dull moments here.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, what happened to the fancy self-propelled, 4-cycle snow blower? :)


Anonymous said...

That is part of the story I guess. The snow blower blows snow. Not too effective in 40 mp winds. How is yours working?

Anonymous said...

No problem with our little 2-cycle, I just had to push it.

Thanksgiving Guests At Our Table