Friday, December 28, 2018

Underwoods Are At The Alamodome

The Alamo Bowl game just started.
The Underwoods slipped into their seats at the dome in time for the 7 p.m. start.
It would be great if the Cyclones could get a win.
Meanwhile, they send a couple pics.


Monday, December 24, 2018

Part 3: And so it was...

Landon and I finished our crèche scene of foam-core characters.
And so it was,
 while Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem,
the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes,
and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:7
Tonight, we greet each other at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church:
"Christ it born!
Christ is born indeed!"
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Part 2: Tax Time

The story continues:
Caesar Augustus sent out a decree,
that all the world should be taxed.
 A long trip to Bethlehem on a donkey...
"It came to pass in those days, that all the world should be taxed.
And Joseph went up from Galilee...unto the city of David, which is Bethlehem...
to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife,
being great with child."  Luke 2:1, 4-5

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Part I: This Year's Christmas Angel

Landon and I are telling the Christmas story with French-inspired crèche characters.
We colored them with markers and cut them from foam core.
The setting for the Nativity is our outdoor deck
 with a backdrop of evergreen trees.
First, the Angel. Foretelling the coming of Jesus. Emmanuel.

"Behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph in a dream." Matthew 1:20

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Great Escape

Well, the Jerdee and Underwood men couldn't make the escape this time.
 But, they enjoyed the challenge and managed to stand up
 for TheEscape photograph.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Johnston Invitational

Blake got top spot in his weight class tonight.
He can't wait for the Waterloo Tournament next weekend.

The Valley High School Wrestling Team The whole team won this tournament.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cedar Falls Regional Championship

Blake made it to third place on the podium in his 170 lb. wrestling weight class.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Many Thanks to Chim Cherie!!

Allen and I are sitting in the glow of firelight.
 For the first time.
 I have always dreamed of owning a fireplace and when we bought this house two years ago, there it was! But, upon inspection before purchase, the inspector said he couldn't get the fireplace to work. He warned us to call in the experts to check it out before we tried to light it.
We put it off.
Was it a wood or natural gas fireplace?
Didn't know who to call.
Until my friend, Peggy, recommended Chim Cherie, Inc.
It was simple.
It's not a wood burner as the house seller had said.
With a lighter on the ceramic stones, I turn the key set into the floor
and, Voila! the fire comes on.
Thanks, Chim Cherie, for the lessons on lighting our fire!!!
It was worth the $70 for the inspection.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Turkey Trot 2018

They brought home the pie!
The boys did the Turkey Trot again.
 Hunter got 9th, Blake got 6th in the 15-19 age category.
 Dave got 2nd and won the pie this year in the 50-59 category.
Go Team Underwood!!!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Let's Decorate!

Landon stayed overnight for a super-playdate with us before
he goes off to Florida with his parents for a week.
We started decorating for a French Christmas theme
that will happen this year.
Landon, age 8, wearing his Ireland shirt for
the school photo.

Landon lettered the cards...he has been to Paris so he knows a little about France.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

First-Time Voters

She voted.

 And so did he.

This is Paulina, Hunter's girlfriend.
After finishing her clinicals this morning, she turned up at
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, her designated polling station.
Incidentally, St. Mark's is where Dave and Amy married.

Election day registration is OK in Iowa.

After attending school and returning from a Cedar Rapids game,
Hunter went to the fire station to vote.
The best thing about Iowa is that they have lots of polling stations.
No one stands in line for long.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Back in Time

Adam, Kim, and Landon visited the Minnesota Renaissance Faire
 the last weekend it was open this season.
Kim was on crutches but she made it around the rural terrain, quarry and all.
Said she loved the place.
Adam sent me this photograph of my old booth at the festival,
updated by the Glass Works people who bought it from me.
There's Kim on crutches, far right of the crowd.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Homecoming 2018

A few photos dropped in from the cloud. I don't have any stories that go with them...maybe a detail or two snatched from Blake's birthday party a few days earlier. Here's what I know...
Blake, front and center in a wrestling shirt, chose to participate in the homecoming parade. He and his football friends sat on bales of hay on a rack to toss candy to the crowd.

Hunter and Annie joined the gang of 28 dressed-up kids to attend a party.
They stopped at Frisbee Park to have their pictures taken.

Hunter, far right, and his close Varsity football buddies. They won their homecoming game.

Some of the gang of 28 party attendees...more girls than boys. Hunter and Annie fourth from the left.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Waiting on her Hand and Foot

It's so sad. Kim jumped off a work truck and landed hard, breaking her heel. So Adam and Landon are doing their best to keep her comfortable and the house in order. Nice pedicure, Kim.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Last First Day

This is the last time the Underwood boys head out to the same school on the first day. Next year, Hunter will be at college, leaving Blake behind to finish his Senior year. A bittersweet moment.

Hunter, left. Blake, right.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Great Landini!

Landon went to Magic Camp this summer and came home with a bag of tricky tricks to perform for his Uncle Dave's birthday party. He did a great job of amazing everyone and making Dave's celebration a happy happening.

Friday, August 3, 2018


Grandpa Al went in for a crown and came out an hour and a half later. Landon was patient (not THE patient), thanks to BEANO...some English comic that once started with Dennis the Menace...not sure about the origin but maybe his parents could correct me...anyway, Landon loves reading about that rebel! Ever hear of Snitch or Snatch?


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Into the Cockpit

Landon's on his way home from Ireland. He was invited to sit in the cockpit of the Aer Lingus plane.

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Tayto Park

On their last day in Ireland, the Jerdees spent it in the Tayto Park. Tayto is the Irish word for "crisp" or "chip" in potato chip. Or fish and chips....:)

This is Tayto, a huggable chip who walks around the park for kids.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hat Trick

Landon is in Galway, Ireland...hat shopping. Is this cool or what?

Friday, June 29, 2018

Just Singin' In The Rain

Yep, we hit the Blank Park Zoo just as a gigantic thunderstorm blew up. The Rain Forest/Aquarium Exhibit really felt like a rain forest, complete with thunder and lightning seen through the glass roof.
But we ventured out into the wet, wet world when the winds died down to sprinkles. We wanted that carousel ride!! And they were up and running after awhile...

Landon chose a cat.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Augsburg Football Camp

Blake was invited to football camp at Augsburg College last week. His high school team won the team competition and Blake's record for the camp was 12-2. He wrestled at 178 lbs.
 Blake is standing at top, third from the right.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Mother's Day on Friday

They wanted to know what I wanted for Mother's Day.
 I asked for lunch downtown with my kids.
Amy and Adam, my handsome and personable kids
We went to Lucca's in the East Village across the river from downtown Des Moines.
Apart from all of their usual companions, I was able to see who they really are.
Delightful. Refreshing. Lively and enthusiastic.
Lucca's was a delight as well. Modern Italian, my salad was made with mixed greens, cucumber, carrot, tomato, chicken and bacon shreds with a feta-creamy parmesan dressing.
Mostly, I feasted on my beautiful children :)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Landon is 8!

Well, not quite yet.
 This year his birthday falls on Mother's Day so celebrations
have been rearranged to accommodate everyone.
The "big party" will happen today at an indoor playground with friends.
This pic was taken at a "little party" at Grandpa Al and Nana's house.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Prom 2018

It's Hunter.
 Getting polished up for the prom.
His dad is making the finishing touches.

 Hunter and his date.
I don't know her name. Yet.
 He took her to Glen Oaks' Clubhouse for dinner. After dinner, they danced at the Iowa Event Center and attended the After-Party at Valley High School.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Landon's First Communion

Our church practices the habit of teaching 7-year-olds about communion and celebrating their first communion on Maundy Thursday. At a teaching retreat with their parents prior to the big day, the children bake the bread that will be used in the service. Landon is second from the left in the first row.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Dreams of ATVs

 Blake's big wish for spring break in Arizona was to ride an ATV through cactus sand...

OK, Consider it done!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Night Out in Arizona

Amy and Dave are out on the town alone! Can they be trusted?
They say the weather is perfect and the air is clean.
Meanwhile, Spring Break is snowing in Iowa and we are babysitting their fish.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blake's Hero

Joel Shapiro is Blake's study buddy and wrestling inspiration.
 He won the First Place IHSAA medal in his 182 lb. weight class.
He won it last year, too.
He's Blake's #1 hero.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Blake Gets on the Podium

The Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, IA was packed for the Finals of the IHSAA Wrestling Tournament. Blake muscled his way onto the podium, placing 8th in State in his 160 lb. weight class. Now we can all breathe easily again...he met the personal goal he set for himself as a sophomore and first-year Varsity team member.
Check out our FB share to see him in brief local television coverage.
Loved his quick interview with Michael Admire after a match..
.when he descried it as a "real grinder."
Great word!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

District TOP DOG in his Weight Class

So Blake's on his way to the State Tournament at Wells Fargo Arena next week!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Landon races in Pinewood Derby

Landon is a Cub Scout now and he and his dad designed and built a car to place in the races last
weekend. We came to see it happen.
First, the line-up (there were three times as many cars than these shown).
Landon's car is the gold, 3-slotted, sleek one 3rd from the end on the right.
That's when the People's Choice votes went into the box.
Landon's car is second from this end. in Heat 18 (54 heats in all).

And they're off!
Landon came in third in this heat. Overall, the car did moderately well, no prize for Landon
at the end. He was sad.
But the Jerdees did come home with an award---Dad's "outlaw"car won the outlaw races
 until the wheels fell off and he had to quit.
However, he won a medal for the "coolest" car.
 Landon is wearing it.

Thanksgiving Guests At Our Table